A Special Message for our Freedom Mommas

Can you believe that we used to shower in peace without hurrying or hearing phantom cries?! What about driving without looking in the backseat every 5 seconds?! OR when we didn’t have snacks, diapers, and extra outfits with us at all times?! 

But hey, none of that was worth it compared to raising children! 🥹

The lack of sleep, loads of laundry, extra cleaning, stressing over meals… And how do we just KNOW when something is wrong and exactly what our little ones need at all times?! It’s WILD!!! 

So to the moms out there… THANK YOU. Thank you for being the most selfless human beings on planet Earth. Thank you for never complaining and LOVING soooo big! To the moms who give and give and give, thank you so much! 

We are always thinking about all of the women out there. The ones who are already mommas to amazing kiddos. The ones who are longing for a baby. The ones who have sweet heavenly angels. The ones who have adopted and the ones who are birth mommies. To the ones who have lost their mothers and the ones who have prodigal children. To the ones who are fulfilling the motherly role and the ones who have been motherless. You all are our heroes. 

And as mothers always are, you are selfless. You have probably been the one who hasn’t started caring for yourself quite yet. Or the last one to sign up to get scanned at Freedom. BUT momma, your nervous system runs the household. You are the core. A regulated nervous system starts with you! Within the body, there are these really cool things called mirror neurons. These little helpers are designed to mirror what they feel. So whatever the state of mom, is also the state of our children! If you are feeling stressed and anxious, chances are that your sweet little ones are mirroring those feelings! So how can we help?!

We would love to have you visit to get your CLA INSiGHT scan so that you and our amazing team of doctors can see exactly what your nervous system needs.

We’ve all put our children first… But now, no more excuses! It’s finally your chance to get under care here at Freedom Chiropractic!

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